Concentration; Weapons of Mass Distraction Webinar
Imperial College Health Centre will be hosting a webinar on concentration during the new academic year.
The webinar will look at the following issues
- Understanding how concentration, focus, and attention work.
- De-constructing myths around autism and ADHD.
- Finding your own personal barriers that reduce your attentional skills.
- Improving memory, recall, and understanding.
After the webinar you should have…
- Techniques, strategies, and tactics to sharpen focus.
- An ability to concentrate more intensely for longer periods of time.
- Better organisational skills.
- A mental framework for better information processing.
- An ability to perform better academically and personally.
The webinars will be presented by Dr David Leigh-Smith. Interactions during the webinars are encouraged. However, students can chose how much they participate with the rest of the group.
These webinars are for students studying at Imperial College, Royal College of Art and Royal College of Music.
Webinar dates and bookings are on the Webinars Home Page
Webinars usually start at 6.00pm and will last for approximately 90mins.
Webinars are held online via MS Teams. Link will be provided via email once place is secured via the online booking form below.